Announcement of KIP-K Scholarship for Manado States Institute of Islamic Studies Students
Beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintas Kuliah or KIP-K Scholarship is a scholarship program offered by Dikti for unprivileged and outstanding students. This program provides the students with assistance in the form of tuition fees and living expenses for 8 semesters
The following are the requirements for participating KIP-K or The Indonesian Smart College Card.¹
- New students of Bachelor and Diploma programs of 2020/2021 Academic Year who graduated in 2019 and 2020
- Fill in and complete the KIP-K registration documents through https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id/.
- Copy of the student card (KTM) / the temporary one, ID card, Family card (KK), KKS, Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) (for those who had already held it)
- Recommendation letter of financial condition (SKTM) issued by the urban village office;
- Students with Tuition category 1 and 2
- Certificate of parents’ income issued by related institution/urban village office;
- Legalized copy of the academic report of semesters 1 to 5 by the school headmaster;
- Copy of the electricity bill
- Copy of parents/guardian’s property tax (those who do not hold any property tax may replace it with a certificate issued by the neighbourhood/hamlet/urban village officer)
- Photo of the house (overall front view and living room)