IAIN Manado Forms Partnership with IELA to Enhance Higher Education Collaboration
Manado, January 22, 2025 – The English Language Education Program (TBI) of IAIN Manado has officially entered into a partnership with the Indonesian English Lecturers Association (IELA) on January 22, 2025. This collaboration aims to strengthen the three pillars of higher education—education, community service, and research—as outlined in the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of…
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Guest Lecture on Teacher Professionalism from IAIN Parepare and Bolasugi Language School: Strengthening Collaboration and Enhancing Educational Quality
November 21, 2024 – A guest lecture on the theme of Teacher Professionalism was held at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Auditorium in IAIN Manado on November 21, 2024. The event featured two distinguished speakers: Hj Nurhamdah, S.Pd, M.Pd, Head of the UPT Language Center at IAIN Parepare, and Nurlaela Jum, Director of…
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English Education Study Program taken Collaboration Agreement with PT Cakraloka Tour
IAIN Campus, Monday, 18th November 2024 — A significant collaboration agreement was officially signed between TBI IAIN Manado and PT Cakraloka Tour. The signing ceremony took place at the English Language Education Program room at IAIN, marking the beginning of a promising partnership aimed at enhancing academic and tourism-related initiatives. The event was attended by…
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JELTIS JOURNAL Goes to Malang; Signing The Memorandum of Agreement With ELITE ASSOCIATION INDONESIA
Malang Thursday, August 5, 2022. Editor in Chief of JELTIS Journal who represented by the leaders of TBI Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the Chair of the ELITE Association Indonesia, in Faculty of Teacher Training at UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM. The paper of…
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TBI IAIN Manado Started to Sign MBKM Agreement with TBI FITK UIN MALANG and Communication Study Program of FISIP UNMER MALANG
Malang, Thursday, August 4th, 2022, TBI IAIN Manado agreed to sign memorandum of agreement with TBI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and also communication study program of FISIP UNMER Malang towards MBKM activities. Of this program, the parties will further implement the MBKM activities for the students. The agreement is in the form of students’…
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TBI IAIN Manado Join Tri-Dharma Collaborative of English Education Study Program Forum
Surabaya- The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of the Manado State Intitute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Manado) has established cooperation between faculties. In this occasion, TBI of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado collaborated and met with TBI and other English Department leaders the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of…
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TBI Signed Implementation Arrangement with MTs Al-Muhajirin and SMP YAPIM Manado
Thursday, 25th November 2021, TBI lecturers held community dedication as well as signing the result of memorandum of understanding between the parties. Having seen this activity, the teachers seemed grateful welcoming the team of TBI. At this moment, the lecturers emphasized on the use of online platforms in teaching English. Teachers among them were enthusiast…
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TBI Signed Implementation Arrangement with MTs Assalaam Manado
Monday, 22 November 2021, the Head of English Education Study Program visited MTs Assaalam located at Bailang street, Manado city. The meeting was warmly welcomed by the Principal of MTs Assalaam Manado, Murni Dadue,S.S. The intention was to document the activity between two parties, such as PPKT and the acceptance of Students’ Research Location. As…
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English Education Study Program IAIN Manado Taken the Letter of Cooperation Agreement With BRITON English
IAIN Manado, 27/08/2021, taken the memorandum of understanding (or now called as letter of cooperation agreement) with Briton English. Located at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado, the dean, Dr. Ardianto.,M.Pd., warmly welcomed the Briton English officer. This activity was also attended by the Head of English Education Study Program IAIN Manado, Nur…
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TBI join MOA with Language Center IAIN Manado
IAIN Manado, 20/08/2021, TBI IAIN Manado executed MOA with language center IAIN Manado. In this activity, the both parties applied the activities such as matriculation for English language during 2 months for the semester one students who were just started studying in IAIN Manado. Besides, the both parties plan to do a TOEFL test for…
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