TBI Prepared to Employ the Curriculum of “Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka”
IAIN-Manado, Thursday, 01/04/2021, Deputy Dean for academic activities in FTIK confirmed to all leaders of every study program (including TBI) in the form of a coordination meeting. This meeting was held in order to revise the current curriculum into Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. Importantly, she conveyed that TBI and MPI are two dominant study programs to…
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HMPS-TBI IAIN Manado Engaged a Book Review with FLPBA IAIN Gorontalo
IAIN-Manado, Wednesday, 31/03/2021, Nofikasari Gobel as the Head of Students’ Association of English Education Study Program of Manado State Islamic Institute, was invited by Literacy Forum of Arabic Education Study Program of Sultan Amai Gorontalo State Islamic Institute to review a book named Meniti Cahaya Kisah 8 Muslimah Penjuru Bumi Allah by Irene Dyah et…
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Students of English Education Study Program Collaborated With Students of Gadjah Mada University and Malang State University
IAIN-Manado, Friday, 26/03/2021, English Study Program Students of Manado State Islamic Institute collaborated with Vocational College Students of Gadjah Mada University, and Malang State University Students in a webinar by Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management of Vocational College of Gadjah Mada University, Webinar Events Talk #11. This event is a collaborative project of…
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TBI Students’ Association (HMPS TBI) and The Third Deputy Dean of FTIK organized a coordination meeting
IAIN-Manado, Tuesday, 23/03/2021, HMPS TBI (students’ association in TBI) and the third Deputy Dean of FTIK organized a coordination meeting. At the moment, the meeting was attended by several members of the students’ association in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. During the meeting, the third deputy dean of FTIK, Dr. Feiby Ismail instructed…
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Formulating the options of TURNITIN; The coordination meeting among secretaries
Friday, 19/03/2021, FTIK IAIN Manado organized the coordination meeting for all secretaries as the responsible users to manage the TURNITIN application. This following meeting was held in order to agree on the options of TURNITIN. To follow up, the Deputy Dean of FTIK for academic activities as the leader of that meeting discussed the organizations…
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TBI-FTIK IAIN Manado and PBI-FTK UIN Alauddin Makassar signed the MoU
IAIN Manado- The English Education Study Program visited the English Education Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar on Friday (19/03/2021). They carried out the Memorandum of Understanding together. The activities were accomplished by the heads of each study program/department. In a frame, it can be seen also that several lecturers of the English Education Study Program…
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Getting Started to have TURNITIN
Friday, 12/03/2021, the English education (TBI) study program and other FTIK teams (MPI, PAI, PIAUD, and PGMI) prepared to start using the Turnitin application to check students’ papers. Started at 09.30, the coordination meeting was lead by Dr. Mutmainnah., M.Pd as Deputy Dean for academic activities. Importantly, Dr. Mutmainnah conveyed that this preparation had originated…
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HMPS TBI organized the upgrading for administrators
Friday, 12/03/2021, HMPS TBI held an upgrading for administrators with the theme “Building Innovative and Integrative Cooperation”. To get started, HMPS TBI invited Deputy Dean 3 of FTIK IAIN Manado, Dr. Feiby Ismail., M. Pd. as the speaker. While giving a talk, Dr. Feiby Ismail explained that upgrading is certainly necessary as a warm-up in…
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Congratulations on the inauguration
Manado, Friday (2021/02/26), FTIK IAIN Manado held the inauguration for students’ association in 2021. This event was officially started at 09.00 am and lead by Dr. Feiby Ismail, M.Pd as the Deputy Dean for students’ affairs in Tarbiyah and Teacher Training faculty. In taking charge of the following event, Deputy Dean for Students’ Affairs a.k.a…
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English Education Study Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty held a Course Distribution Meeting for even semester of 2020-2021 academic year
IAIN Manado- Tuesday (16/02/2021), Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training where the six study programs including English Education held the online courses distribution meeting for even term (spring semester) of 2020-2021 academic year. During the meeting, the Head of ED study program, Nur Halimah,M.Hum who was accompanied by her secretary, Fadhlan Saini,M.Pd described the courses…
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