English Area is now started again in 2021!
Saturday, October 2, 2021, HMPS TBI carried out one of the routine activities in every weekend called “English Area”. It was participated and attended by semester 1 and 3 students who were guided by the department of HMPS TBI. This activity began by introduction by each student. It was continued with such discussion about the…
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TBI Presents Guest Lecture “The Orientation of MBKM Curriculum in English Language Teaching”
IAIN-Manado, Tuesday, 21/09/2021, English Education Study Program held a Guest Lecture with the theme “The Orientation of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka) Curriculum in English Language Teaching” with the outstanding speakers from Universitas Lampung (Dr. Ari Nurweni.,M.A) and Universitas Negeri Jogyakarta (Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro.,Ph.D). The event was started in the Morning at…
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HMPS TBI held the second Quarterly Evaluation Meeting
IAIN Manado — Monday, 12/09/2021, HMPS TBI held the second Quarterly Evaluation Meeting. On this occasion, the chairman of HMPS TBI, Nofikasari Gobel, discussed various work programs that had been implemented or had not been implemented, as well as plans for collaboration with student organizations from other campuses that had been estimated. HMPS TBI will…
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Call for Papers ! JELTIS JOURNAL, Volume 1 Number 2, December Issue
CALL FOR PAPERS ! IAIN Manado – English Education Study Program calls for writers, researchers, teachers, lecturers to publish their articles on the second number of volume I, December Issue 2021. Deadline for Paper Submissions is October 2021: October 06, 2021 end at 23:00 WITA. Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification: within 5-10 days Date of Publication: Accepted manuscripts will be…
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English Education Study Program IAIN Manado Taken the Letter of Cooperation Agreement With BRITON English
IAIN Manado, 27/08/2021, taken the memorandum of understanding (or now called as letter of cooperation agreement) with Briton English. Located at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado, the dean, Dr. Ardianto.,M.Pd., warmly welcomed the Briton English officer. This activity was also attended by the Head of English Education Study Program IAIN Manado, Nur…
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TBI join MOA with Language Center IAIN Manado
IAIN Manado, 20/08/2021, TBI IAIN Manado executed MOA with language center IAIN Manado. In this activity, the both parties applied the activities such as matriculation for English language during 2 months for the semester one students who were just started studying in IAIN Manado. Besides, the both parties plan to do a TOEFL test for…
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JELTIS Of English Education Study Program IAIN Manado Issued the First Publication
IAIN Manado- 07/08/2021, JELTIS issued the first publication. Becoming a starting point for English Education Study Program IAIN Manado, is a privilege and gratitude. Dean of FTIK said that this journal will be a support system for the study program. Also, he conveyed his pride to the team (editor in chief, editor, designer, secretariat and…
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HMPS TBI Joined Coordination Meeting with Vice Dean of Students’ Affairs
IAIN Manado, Wednesday, July 14, 2021. The Students’ Association of English Education Study Program students, Nofikasari Gobel, the leader of the students’ association, with her secretary, Afiyah Fitriani Putri Yusuf, and also her treasurer too, Suciana Dewi Putri Makuta participated in another cordination meeting and the evaluation of the FTIK students’ organization programs by Dr.…
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Evaluation Meeting by the Head of TBI
IAIN MANADO – Monday, July 5, 2021, The head of TBI held an Evaluation Meeting with English Education Study Program lecturers. She carried the meeting and her secretary. In this activity, the meeting was to evaluate the activities of teaching, research, and services of English Education Study program lecturers to the students. The results indicate…
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