TBI IAIN Manado Join Tri-Dharma Collaborative of English Education Study Program Forum
Surabaya- The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of the Manado State Intitute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Manado) has established cooperation between faculties. In this occasion, TBI of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado collaborated and met with TBI and other English Department leaders the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of…
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English Area; Introduction to TEFL Approaches
IAIN Manado on Friday 17/6/2022, the Association of students of the English language study program, held an English Area with the theme “Introduction to TEFL, Approaches & Methods”, and invited Alumni class of 2018 Windi Gerace Tinangon as a speaker. This activity was attended by Inngrid Arnetha Datunsolang as the head of the English Study…
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English Fun Day
IAIN-Manado, Sunday 12/June/2022, Association of students of English study program held an “English fun day” activity which took place on Likupang beach, North Minahasa. The activity was led by Nurjannah Gani. the activity was opened by the dean of the Tarbiyah and teacher faculty, Dr. Ardianto Tola, M.pd. In opening the event, he conveyed, appreciated…
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2022 team is now started! Congratulations
On Friday (2022/03/04), FTIK IAIN Manado held the inauguration of the 2022 Students’ Association. This event officially started at 13.00 WITA and led by Dr. Feiby Ismail, M.Pd, as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs. She warmly welcome by greeting the FTIK management team. During her speech, she reported her pride who had been selected to…
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Semarak Tarbiyah 2021
IAIN Manado, Sunday, 26/12/2021, two students of English Education Study Program, Nofikasari Gobel and Jihan Fahira Songkaton, participated in the competition of 2021 Semarak Tarbiyah with the theme Innovative Youth for Bright Future that is held from 21 to 23 December 2021 by the ORMAWA of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. Competing with other competitors…
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Voluntary Project (BAKSOS) by TBI Students
IAIN-Manado, Friday, 19/12/2021, with the theme, Voluntary Project: Keindahan dan Keikhlasan Hati untuk Berbagi Terhadap Sesama, Students’ Association of English Education Study Program conducted social project at Panti Asuhan Ash-Shabirin. This event is held as the last activity of Students’ Association of English Education in 2021. In the project, the orphans with their “mother” welcome…
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TBI in collaboration with Briton English provided TOEFL Workshop and TOEFL Test
IAIN Manado-December 04 and 05th in 2021, TBI study program for their first time provided a TOEFL workshop on Saturday by Online-method and TOEFL test right after the day of workshop through offline method. This activity was handled by the Head of English Study Program in collaboration with TOEFL program test from Briton English Manado.…
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2021 PPKT ; What did students feel?
IAIN_Manado, 30-11-2021, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) organized an integrated teaching profession practice program (PPKT). This program was a series of student work practices in schools called PKL and student work practices in the society called KKN. This practice carried out to provide opportunities for students as the prospective teachers to get…
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November 2021 Alumni; Congratulations!
IAIN Manado, Thursday November 25th 2021, IAIN Manado held graduation ceremony located in Sutan Raja Hotel North Minahasa. This event was officially opened and attended by the senators of IAIN Manado and the rest leaders of every faculty. At this second period of graduation, Rector IAIN Manado, Delmus Puneri Salim, M.A., M.Res., Ph.D said that…
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