English Education Study Program Student Shines at North Sulawesi Language Ambassador Selection 2024
Manado, Sulut – On June 4-5, 2024, students from the English Education Study Program of IAIN Manado participated in the Sulawesi Utara Language Ambassador selection, achieving remarkable success by placing in the top five. The event brought together participants from various universities, featuring challenges such as interviews, public speaking, and cultural showcases. This initiative aims to…
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TBI Students grab the TOEFL Test!
Aston Hotel Manado, 31th May 2024- PT PLN (Persero) UIP3B SULAWESI UP2B SISTEM MINAHASA dan YAYASAN 1000 GURU SULUT held an event with the theme “Pelatihan Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris-ITP TOEFL Bagi Siswa & Mahasiswa”. The event aims to give the high school students & university students a language competency, so they can use it for…
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UPB IAIN Manado takes TOEFL Training to TBI Students
IAIN Manado- 5 TBI Students from the 4th semester were selected to participate in the TOEFL Training Program organized by the Head of Unit Pengembangan Bahasa (Language Center). It is held to help students improve their score in such proficiency test, said by Dr. Muhammad Husni Mubarak M.Pd.I. On the other side, 5 Pendidikan Bahasa Arab…
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Receiving Assistance from PT-PLN, TBI Students Take Advantage
20th May 2024, 35 Tadris Bahasa Inggris/ English Education Study Program students consisting of the second, fourth, and fifth semester students received an opportunity to participate in a TOEFL-ITP Preparation Class provided by PT PLN (Persero) UIP3B SULAWESI UP2B SISTEM MINAHASA and YAYASAN 1000 GURU SULUT. This was certainly being a golden chance for FTIK,…
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Happy Fasting!
Marhaban ya Ramadhan ✨? Let us welcome Ramadan with a happy heart, forgiving each other, and full of hope for mercy and magfirah from Allah SWT... #hmpstbi #hmpstbi2024 #hmpstbiiainmanado #tbiiainmanado #ftikiainmanado #iainmanado
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Artificial Intelligence in ELT? #TBI IAIN Manado held the Guest Lecture through Webinar
IAIN-Manado,October 5th, 2023- TBI held a guest lecture with the theme Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing ELT. This is an official event that should be done annually for English Education Study Program. Having seen as the necessary topic, TBI invited and utilized prospective speakers and a moderator from universities around Sulawesi. As it is started, the…
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English Area “Overview the Tenses” by HMPS
IAIN Manado on Saturday 10/9/2022, the Student Association of TBI held an English Area with the theme “Overview the Tenses” and invited the general KSB as speakers. This activity was attended by new students (first semester) of the English study program and was also attended by 3rd and 5th semesters. The event was opened directly…
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Introduction to Academic Culture in IAIN Manado 2022 ; TBI Students’ Experiences
IAIN-Manado, 23/8/2022, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training held an Introduction to Campus Academic Culture (PBAK) with the theme “Building the millennial generation in affirming a tolerant, balanced, honest, and fair Islamic civilization in the frame of religious moderation”. It was attended by all leaders of FTIK and members of HMPS from FTIK as the…
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JELTIS JOURNAL Goes to Malang; Signing The Memorandum of Agreement With ELITE ASSOCIATION INDONESIA
Malang Thursday, August 5, 2022. Editor in Chief of JELTIS Journal who represented by the leaders of TBI Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the Chair of the ELITE Association Indonesia, in Faculty of Teacher Training at UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM. The paper of…
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