November 21, 2024 – A guest lecture on the theme of Teacher Professionalism was held at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Auditorium in IAIN Manado on November 21, 2024. The event featured two distinguished speakers: Hj Nurhamdah, S.Pd, M.Pd, Head of the UPT Language Center at IAIN Parepare, and Nurlaela Jum, Director of the Bolasugi Language School in Makassar.
The lecture was officially opened by Dr. Ishak Talibo, M.Pd.I, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado, who also facilitated a collaboration agreement between the involved parties.

The event was attended by faculty members, students, including Nur Halimah, M.Hum, Head of the English Education Program, and Fadhlan Saini, M.Pd, Secretary of the program.

Dr. Ishak Talibo, in his opening speech, highlighted the importance of strengthening teacher professionalism through continuous learning and collaboration between institutions. He also emphasized the significance of this collaboration in improving the quality of education at IAIN Manado.

Both speakers shared valuable insights on the evolving role of educators in shaping the future of education. Nurhamdah, with her extensive experience in language education, discussed the importance of language proficiency and teaching methodology in developing professional teachers. Meanwhile, Nurlaela Jum shared her expertise in establishing and managing language schools, focusing on the need for teachers to adapt to the changing educational landscape.

The event not only provided valuable knowledge to the attendees but also marked the beginning of an official cooperation between IAIN Parepare and the Bolasugi Language School in Makassar. This collaboration is expected to enhance educational practices, especially in language teaching, through joint initiatives and knowledge exchange.
The guest lecture was well-received by participants, and many expressed their enthusiasm for future collaborations aimed at enhancing the quality of teacher professionalism in Indonesia.