Manado, 18th November 2024 — The leaders of IAIN Manado extended their warm congratulations to JELTIS (Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies) for its recent achievement of being indexed in science and technology, with a prestigious 4th rank across Indonesia. This recognition highlights the journal’s significant contribution to advancing research in the fields of education, language teaching, and integrated skills development.
The congratulations were conveyed directly by the Rector of IAIN Manado, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rajafi, M.Pd, who expressed his pride in the accomplishment. “This remarkable achievement underscores the quality and dedication of the editorial team, researchers, and faculty members involved in JELTIS. It is a proud moment for IAIN Manado as it continues to make a strong impact in the academic community,” said Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rajafi.
Along with the Rector, Dr. Arhanuddin Salim, M.Pd, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, also offered his congratulations. “This is a great milestone for JELTIS and for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. Being indexed at this level in the field of science and technology not only elevates the journal but also strengthens the reputation of our institution,” he remarked.
In addition, Dr. Ardianto Tola, M.Pd, Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at IAIN Manado, expressed his pride in the journal’s success. “This ranking represents a collective effort of researchers, faculty, and students working together to produce high-quality academic work. It is a true reflection of the commitment to excellence in research and community service that we uphold at IAIN Manado,” Dr. Ardianto Tola added.
The achievement of JELTIS reflects the university’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its role as a leader in both education and research, contributing significantly to the broader academic and scientific community. With its focus on language teaching and integrated skills, JELTIS continues to play a vital role in advancing the field, benefiting educators, researchers, and students both nationally and internationally. FS