20th May 2024, 35 Tadris Bahasa Inggris/ English Education Study Program students consisting of the second, fourth, and fifth semester students received an opportunity to participate in a TOEFL-ITP Preparation Class provided by PT PLN (Persero) UIP3B SULAWESI UP2B SISTEM MINAHASA and YAYASAN 1000 GURU SULUT. This was certainly being a golden chance for FTIK, Dean said. Also, the head of TBI and her secretary were warmly welcomed and beholden to Mr Furqan for this privilege. The classes were organized and held by Golden Gate Education Manado at Sam Ratulangi Street.
The TOEFL-ITP Preparation Program went on from the 15th to the 22nd May. Students were divided into several classes with each class consisting of ten students. Every class is held at different times of the day. The program was split into three parts: Firstly, the students learned the theory behind the three sections in the TOEFL test; Listening, Structure and Written Expression, and Reading. This part took up to a week of learning. Secondly, on the final day of the program, students were told to take the Try-out test to familiarize themselves with the ‘legitimate’ progression of a proper TOEFL test. The final part was the official TOEFL Test that the students were preparing later at Aston Hotel, Manado. Adm/fadhlan.

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