IAIN-Manado,October 5th, 2023- TBI held a guest lecture with the theme Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing ELT. This is an official event that should be done annually for English Education Study Program. Having seen as the necessary topic, TBI invited and utilized prospective speakers and a moderator from universities around Sulawesi. As it is started, the Dean of Tarbiyah, Dr. Arhanuddin welcomed the audiences and appreciated the committee from English Education Study Program and their Students. As the responsible committee, the secretary executed the event properly.

The reasons to talk about Artificial Intelligence, cause it provides a real simulation dialog platform such as spoken English and increases practical skills such as written. It enhances the practice of students’ capacity and organizes the teaching impact of English in ELT. Hence, the speakers such as Prof, Karmila enthusiast to deliver a lot of insightful information about AI in English Languag Teaching. Besides, the second speaker like Dr. Mutmainnah said that AI could be the solution to overcome students’ difficulties in learning. Furthermore, participants feel motivated and proposed several questions regarding the topics and discussion. At the end of this Webinar, the committee expected that everyone could have solved their curiosity asking about AI as the current issues in English Language Teaching. (FDLN)

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