IAIN-Manado, 29/08/2022, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training held a Learning Socialization for all Study Programs including TBI Study Program. It was attended by all TBI lecturers, and lead by head of study program ma’am Nur Halimah S.Pd, M.Hum. The activity was opened by MC Jihan Songkaton and continued speaking by the head of study program, Nur Halimah S.Pd, M.Hum.

In this activity, the head of TBI Study Program introduced the TBI lectures, the committee of HMPS organization and TBI, and also the alumni.

This event was warmly welcomed by all students in 2022/2023 academic year. They seemed enthusiast listening to all participants. By having this activity, the Dean of FTIK also with the head of English Education Study Program tried to motivate all the students to keep being involved in every TBI program.