IAIN Manado on Friday 17/6/2022, the Association of students of the English language study program, held an English Area with the theme “Introduction to TEFL, Approaches & Methods”, and invited Alumni class of 2018 Windi Gerace Tinangon as a speaker. This activity was attended by Inngrid Arnetha Datunsolang as the head of the English Study Program Student Association.
The event was opened by Resi Herningsih Pobela as the moderator who guided the event. After that, the moderator invited the speaker, Windi Gerace Tinangon, to deliver and give an introduction about “Teaching English as a foreign language, Approachess & Mtehods.” in the presentation of the material is very clear, so that students easily understand and are very enthusiastic in asking questions related to the material that has been described.

At the end of the event, the speaker closed by conveying the message “English is flexible, it can be a stepping stone in the future.” After that, the moderator gave a conclusion as well as closed the English area event, and continued with a group photo.