IAIN-Manado, Sunday 12/June/2022, Association of students of English study program held an “English fun day” activity which took place on Likupang beach, North Minahasa. The activity was led by Nurjannah Gani. the activity was opened by the dean of the Tarbiyah and teacher faculty, Dr. Ardianto Tola, M.pd. In opening the event, he conveyed, appreciated and welcomed this activity. This activity is also a place to maintain togetherness between the students, that they can become a community who is always and can feel each other’s emotions.
At the moment, the students enjoyed by following the activities set by the committee. They were managed by joining some games, getting breakfast and lunch, and even sharing each other.
In this activity, they were accompanied by the Head of the English Study Program Student Association, and received reinforcement from the head of TBI, as well as the Dean of FTIK.

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