IAIN_Manado, 30-11-2021, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) organized an integrated teaching profession practice program (PPKT). This program was a series of student work practices in schools called PKL and student work practices in the society called KKN. This practice carried out to provide opportunities for students as the prospective teachers to get to know the real world of teaching before they get involved in it.
Each student of the English education study program was distributed to schools and communities in North Sulawesi for 3 months and 2 weeks. Starting on 12 August 2021 until 30 November 2021. The schools were MTs Muhammadiyah Manado, MTs Al-Inayah Manado, MAN Model 1 Plus Keterampilan Manado, Islamic-Based School for Junior High School, SMA N 7, MTs Al-Falah, SMP Al-Khairat Manado, MTs 1 Bitung, Man Model Kotamobagu, and Man 1 Bitung. Meanwhile, to integrate with the community environment activities, those students were separated into some parts of their area such as manado city, bitung city, and kotamubagu city.
The activities carried out by students of English Education Study Program at school were teaching English subjects, making lesson plans and syllabus based on instruction of the English teacher at school. During the learning process, it can be seen that students needed to be more functional, and workable as well as understandable to face the programs. They provided many interesting programs such as vaccination of COVID-19, the inauguration of the second floor of the Fathul Mubien mosque in Tuminting sub-district, and Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW.
The obstacles faced by students were vary, but they managed it carefully. Interestingly, the participants of PPKT brought some influences to the surroundings, said by principals and community leaders. (DT)