Thursday, 25th November 2021, TBI lecturers held community dedication as well as signing the result of memorandum of understanding between the parties. Having seen this activity, the teachers seemed grateful welcoming the team of TBI.

At this moment, the lecturers emphasized on the use of online platforms in teaching English. Teachers among them were enthusiast to learn and apply. During the talks, the team tried to motivate and enlarge the theories into the implementation.

Still with the pandemic, this community dedication implied some positive impacts. Teachers said that they were helped by identifying and using some newest apps such as edmodo, and also google classroom. Not only having impacted, the among junior teachers were motivated to use. Meanwhile, TBI team at this moment presented and signed IA as implementation of arrangement towards the activities that have already been executed. The content told that not only signing of this dedication but also signing for PPKT but also for the Rewards of PPKT (on the past few years) which need to be written into IA.

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