Monday, 22 November 2021, the Head of English Education Study Program visited MTs Assaalam located at Bailang street, Manado city. The meeting was warmly welcomed by the Principal of MTs Assalaam Manado, Murni Dadue,S.S. The intention was to document the activity between two parties, such as PPKT and the acceptance of Students’ Research Location. As the result of the memorandum of understanding, MTs received a lot of impacts and benefits. In principal’s story, TBI was not only sending some additional teachers, but also functional helpers to maintain all the English teachers’ stuff. Besides, PPKT was named also as the evaluation or innovation for the current teachers to learn from the younger future teachers from TBI IAIN Manado. While signing, the principal tried to elaborate to the head of TBI Study Program that PPKT program could provide opportunities for students as the prospective teachers to get known the real situation of teaching before they get involved.
Furthermore, Head of TBI said that this program will be certainly existed. She expressed also that MTs Assalaam was one of the best Islamic boarding school in Manado city.