IAIN-Manado, Monday, 18/10/2021, Students’ Association of English Education Study Program Student held the first outdoor activity of 2021, English Camp X English Fun Day. The event took place at RBN Ma’zani Adventure Park in Tomohon from 15 to 17 October. It was led by the master of ceremony, Jihan Fahira Songkaton. The activity was opened by Dr. Ardianto Tola, M. Pd., as the dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty and attended by Nur Halimah M. Hum., as the head of English Education Study Program, also Dr. Feiby Ismail, M. Pd., as the the third vice dean of FTIK, as the responsible person for students’ affairs. The leaders of FTIK released the camping participants.
At the moment, the students enjoyed by following the activities set by the camping committee. They were managed by joining some games, getting breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and even sharing each other. Interestingly, the committee also prepared the night talent show to pursue some interesting and fun activities.
During this activity, they were accompanied by the head of English Study Program and visited as well as received such reinforcement by the deputy dean of students affairs of FTIK.