IAIN-Manado, Monday, 04/10/2021, the debate team from IAIN Manado, consisting of English Education Study Program students, Nofikasari Gobel, Anggie Moobaya, and Jihan Fahira Songkaton, won the fourth place of debate competition on Pekan Olahraga, Riset, Ornamen dan Seni Indonesia Timur 2021.
The event was held virtually by IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo and joined by the state universities of Islamic Studies from the eastern part of Indonesia from 1 to 4 October 2021.
During the debate competition, the students of IAIN Manado showed their best performance. Even though the team only got the fourth place, their efforts and struggles in debate already made them the winner among the heart of TBI students.
In the end, Nofikasari said “Thank you. hopefully, in the future, we can improve and give our best again”.

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