IAIN Manado – Tuesday, 7/9/2021, the English Language Study Program and the Student Association held a Learning Socialization and Sharing Session entitled ‘Optimizing EFL Culture’ to the new students of 2021/2022 academic year. This activity is carried out by using hybrid style at the Micro Teaching Laboratory.
The opening ceremony was hosted by Nofikasari Gobel as the Master of Ceremony, and opened by the Dean of FTIK, Dr. Ardianto, M. Pd. In his speech, Dr. Ardianto appreciated the Study Programs of FTIK for actively participating in socializing learning to new students which had never been done before. In addition, he also shared his learning experiences with students so that they can be taken as lessons in everyday life.
After the opening ceremony, the ceremony was closed with closing prayer delivered by Raihan Praba. The activity continued with Learning Socialization by the Head of the English Tadris Study Program, Ma’am Nur Halimah, M. Hum. On this occasion, she conveyed directions on Study Programs, Courses, Career Options that can be chosen after graduation, and socialized an independent campus. This learning socialization was enthusiastically welcomed by new students with questions and answers.
The activity was continued with a Sharing Session by HMPS TBI. On this occasion delivered by the Chairman of HMPS TBI, Nofikasari Gobel, and the secretary of HMPS TBI, Afiyah Fitriani. Both of them introduced HMPS TBI, how to recruit members, as well as presentation of work programs. Both of them also presented The Art of Learning along with things that motivate students to be able to optimize EFL Culture. The Sharing Session was also supported by the participation of new students who shared their perspectives on English.
With this Learning Socialization and Sharing Session, it is hoped that in the future the English Education Study Program can create many students who can make the name of the study program proud, and create the quality graduates.