IAIN Manado, 27/08/2021, taken the memorandum of understanding (or now called as letter of cooperation agreement) with Briton English. Located at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Manado, the dean, Dr. Ardianto.,M.Pd., warmly welcomed the Briton English officer. This activity was also attended by the Head of English Education Study Program IAIN Manado, Nur Halimah.,M.Hum., as the executor for the planned programs taken.

On that occasion, the leaders of FTIK made sure if the programs will be given a lot of opportunities for students to take their proficiency tests, as well as other workshops or upcoming activities regarding the accreditation. In the meantime, during the talks, the moment was also witnessed by the Secretary, Fadhlan Saini.,M.Pd., and Vice Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training for students’ affairs, Dr. Feiby Ismail.,M.Pd. As one the team in faculty, Vice Dean of students’ affairs elaborated that the programs are hoped to strengthen the curiosity of students in pursuing their theories and practical ability in English Language Program.

Being talked about the featured programs of the both institutions, IAIN Manado especially English Education Study Program which under supervised by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training together with Briton English will create their first activity to take out the TOEFL Workshop and TOEFL test. Of course, this information has been validated and coordinated. Special price for it, is offered. Go klick