FTIK IAIN Manado – Tuesday, June 14, 2021 at the Hall of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, TBI communities join together with other study programs on workshop about writing and tips to be accepted in international journals. This event was lead by the Head of LP2M Dr. Arhanuddin Salim, M.Pd.I and the LP2M team, Dean of FTIK, Dr. Ardianto, M.Pd, Deputy Dean I, Dr. Mutmainah M.pd, Deputy Dean II, Dr. Adri Lundeto M.PdI , Vice Dean III, Dr. Feiby Ismail, M.Pd and FTIK Lecturers.
The purpose of having this writing workshop and tips to be accepted in international journals is to introduce the lecturers in the FTIK environment to have a strategy for article publication in the Sinta 1-2 (National Journals). Considering that event, Dean of FTIK always motivates the communities in FTIK to have a spirit to write and keep the consistency on it. For TBI, in particular, lecturers have had a stable publication for shinta 3-5. The head of English Education Study Program said that as the English lecturers, we need to show others that we can go further and better in reputable international journals.