IAIN-Manado, Saturday, 24/04/2021, Students Association of English Education Study Program (HMPS TBI), Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty (FTIK), Manado State Islamic Institute (IAIN Manado) held a Guest Talk with an interesting theme, namely “The Importance of English for Younger Learner in 5.0 Era”. For this activity, HMPS invited a speaker who is also a lecturer at Gorontalo State University named Waode Eti Herdiyanti, S.Pd., M.Ed and moderator who is also known as the secretary of the English Education Study Program in FTIK IAIN Manado.

The Guest Talk started at 09.00 WITA with the reading of Qalam Ilahi by one of the 4th-semester students of the IAIN Manado English Education study program named Mohammad Raihan Praba Thahir. It was then followed by a welcome greeting by the Head of the English Education Study Program, Nur Halimah, M.Hum. She described that this activity will be held regularly by various resource persons.
Other remarks also came from the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Manado, namely Dr. Ardianto, M.Pd., revealing that the carried out activity was very constructive to strengthen the scientific insightful ideas for students. “It is hoped that HMPS TBI will always provide spaces to talk so that there will be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th series of Guest Talks,” he said. He also conveyed about the implementation of an independent campus (MKBM curriculum) and other things in the form of hopes.

During the activity, Waode explained several interesting ideas in education throughout the society of 5.0 era, and the transformation of the role of educators in 5.0 (including pedagogical competence, personal competence, professional skills, and leadership). In addition, she elaborated by describing some advantages of English for young learners / Early Childhood Education, and the methodologies in teaching Early Childhood Education. At the same time, she tried to show her experiences in teaching English for Early Childhood (young learners) both in Australia and Indonesia. A lot of insightful explanations have been stated by her during her speech. The most important part was to realize that English for Early Childhood Education should not only be stated in such curriculum at schools but also applied in daily life activities.

At the end of this zoom meeting, Fadhlan Saini, M.Pd. opened a discussion session which made the Guest Talk participants felt enthusiastic in giving questions about the material presented. (FS)