IAIN-Manado, Sunday, 18/04/2021, English Education Study Program Students had a good morning with Mr. Fadhlan Saini, M.Pd in a sharing session named Scientific Writing Techniques by Students’ Associaton of English Education Study Program. The event was scheduled to start at 06.00 A.M and conducted in Zoom Meeting. This sharing session was led by Nofikasari Gobel as the moderator of the event and continued with the discussion by Mr. Fadhlan who himself is now being a secretary of English Education Study Program.

In the sharing session, Mr. Fadhlan discussed scientific writing which specifically in writing a research proposal. The speaker started his talk from general issues, for example, like what we should do before starting our writing, and then continued to specific issues like how to compose introduction, methodology, a research result, discussion, and conclusion in a research proposal. As a final word, he closed by stating that paraphrasing is a must to do in writing a scientific paper such as research proposal. (RT)