IAIN-Manado, Friday, 09/04/2021, Silfana Pakaya, one of the English Education Study Program students, and Audrey Kirana Halim from Islamic Education Management with their club, Lensa 28 IAIN Manado joined in a short film competition through Gebyar Mahasiswa Bidikmisi Nusantara 2021 which held by the University of Riau.
Gebyar Mahasiswa Bidikmisi Nusantara is the biggest event of Bidikmisi Scholarship troughout Indonesia and an annual event for Bidikmisi Scholarship Students.
In the process of making the film, Audrey was the Co-Producer and Silfana was the assistant writer of the script. Amazingly, by seeing the announcement of the winner competition, they won second place with their film named “Cybercrazed”. (RP)