IAIN-Manado, Friday, 26/03/2021, English Study Program Students of Manado State Islamic Institute collaborated with Vocational College Students of Gadjah Mada University, and Malang State University Students in a webinar by Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management of Vocational College of Gadjah Mada University, Webinar Events Talk #11.

This event is a collaborative project of MICE Management Class, Indonesian Cross-Culture Communication Class and Public Relation Student Intership 2021.
The webinar was led by Karaninda Siregar as the host of the webinar, and started by singing “Indonesia Raya” and then followed by opening remarks by the Head of D3 – English Department of Vocational College of Gadjah Mada University. It was divided into five sessions.
In the first session, G1 from Vocational College of Gadjah Mada University, Anggun, Alfina, Lintang, and Febriyanti were talking about “Disaster and Cultural Approach”.
In the second session, G2 from Vocational College of Gadjah Mada University, Alida, Lisa, Faqih, and Annisa discussed “Childcare and Education: Parents as Teachers During Pandemic”.
In the third session, G3 from Malang State University, Zakia and Eka talked about “”Tsja, Pembatja!” to “Sebuah [THREAD]”: Hybrid Identity in Indonesian Texts”.
In the fourth session, G4 from the English Study Program, Students of Manado State Islamic Institute, presented their topic about “Religion: The Experiences of Conflicts and Its Solutions”. Nofikasari started the presentation by explaining theories that support facts and reality about religious conflicts and gave some examples of the conflicts that have occurred around the world. Right after that, Anggi explained about causes of religious conflicts and followed by the solutions which were brought by Inggrid and then its evidence by Raihan. At last, the conclusion of the presentation was delivered by Inggrid.

On the last session, Mr. Vincentius Tangguh Atyanto Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Hum., a.k.a. Mr. Tangguh discussed about “The Politics of Humor and Social Construction”. In his speech, he talked about the social aspects of humor, humor benefits, how to make a joke, and gave some examples of it. (FS)