Friday, 12/03/2021, the English education (TBI) study program and other FTIK teams (MPI, PAI, PIAUD, and PGMI) prepared to start using the Turnitin application to check students’ papers. Started at 09.30, the coordination meeting was lead by Dr. Mutmainnah., M.Pd as Deputy Dean for academic activities.

Importantly, Dr. Mutmainnah conveyed that this preparation had originated by the guidelines of Deputy Rector 1 in IAIN Manado through official letter number 177 in 2021. The points being discussed at that time were about having the standard operating procedure for all the suggested users. As a result, she demanded all secretaries as the responsible person to manage. Meanwhile, numbers of limitation which should be passed by students were identified from 0-25%. For this reason, she said that it could be employed to avoid some crimes in plagiarism. She was then elaborated that TBI as the center of English in FTIK should be more evaluative and responsive to keep motivating their students’ writing quality.
As the final statement of this meeting, Dr. Mutmainnah and the head subdivision of FTIK consented that they will make a form of recommendation letter which is going to be used by the students. The following can be required in every study program. (FS)