Manado, Friday (2021/02/26), FTIK IAIN Manado held the inauguration for students’ association in 2021. This event was officially started at 09.00 am and lead by Dr. Feiby Ismail, M.Pd as the Deputy Dean for students’ affairs in Tarbiyah and Teacher Training faculty. In taking charge of the following event, Deputy Dean for Students’ Affairs a.k.a Wadek III began by saying gratitude to the invited management team of FTIK. She started carrying out by saying a report to everyone related to the successful students’ leaders election. In the meantime, she spoke rightfully proud to them who were already legalized to work with the FTIK team. Right after that, she conveyed that this inauguration was a form of students’ innovation, as well as a continuation spirit to maintain students’ mobility in FTIK IAIN Manado.

Located in the studio room in the Faculty of Syariah IAIN Manado, Dean and his Deputy, convinced that the current activity was allowed by the Rector of IAIN Manado with the consistency of having a healthy protocol method. Dean also sent gratitude to the FTIK team for attending the inauguration. During his speech, he provoked students as well as participants to always put up the academic culture in FTIK. As a sample, he said to the students that it was necessary to carry out the soft skills and intellectual capacity. He also reminded them to always build and keep a good character. To start the activities, he additionally put something about the cooperation to every study program leader and their HMPS students. Last but not least, Dean spurred the Heads and their secretaries to support HMPS activities all the time.

Concerning about English Education Study Program, the Head of ED (Nur Halimah, M.Hum.) congratulated the newly elected HMPS students. Without a doubt, she could not stop thanking the previous leaders of HMPS to have already been working for English Education Study Program. At that time, she appreciated giving a certificate to them.

At the end of this activity, HMPS students of the English Education Study Program joined a meeting agenda together with DEMA of FTIK IAIN Manado to discuss the programs. (FS)