IAIN Manado- Tuesday (16/02/2021), Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training where the six study programs including English Education held the online courses distribution meeting for even term (spring semester) of 2020-2021 academic year. During the meeting, the Head of ED study program, Nur Halimah,M.Hum who was accompanied by her secretary, Fadhlan Saini,M.Pd described the courses for ED lecturers for even semester of 2020-2021 academic year. The meeting activities started at 10.00 and ended at 12.00 WITA. Starting with a speech from the Dean (Dr. Ardianto,M.Pd) of FTIK, presentation of the courses by each study program, and then discussion of the responses of the meeting participants.

At the end of that meeting, the leaders of FTIK such as Dr. Ardianto, M.Pd as the Dean, Dr. Mutmainah,M.Pd as Deputy Dean for Academic Development, Dr. Feiby Ismail,M.Pd as Deputy Dean for Students’ Affairs and Dra. Munani Bodong as Head Division of Faculty, concluded that the courses have met the number of required credits and have been suitable with the educational background /qualification of the lecturers in order to meet the adequacy of each workload report. During the meeting, there was also a question raised by one of the senior lecturers in ED study program, Dr. Srifani Simbuka., M.Hum., M.Educ, TESOL related to online learning through available applications. Responding to these problems, the Dean who was present at that time responded that the faculty management team will maximize the online application in collaboration with the IT service center (PUSTIPAD) team to support the learning process. Closing the meeting, the Dean of FTIK, Head of ED as well as the secretary, expressed their appreciation to all lecturers and the various ideas that emerged. (FS)

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