IAIN – Manado, Saturday, 03/07/2021 – Students’ Association of English Education Study Program held their second GUEST TALK with Dainora al-Nakeeb, the founder of English Milestones, as the speaker with a theme entitled “Mastering English Pronunciation; Theory & Practice”. This was led by Nofikasari Gobel as the master of ceremony and Fadhlan Saini, M. Pd. as the moderator at that time.

The activity was started by welcoming remarks by the head of the English Education Study Program, Ma’am Nur Halimah, M. Hum. and officially opened by the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Manado, Dr. Ardianto Tola, M. Pd. and then followed by opening prayer by Rusdin Bay.

In the discussion, Ms. Dainora presented several interesting topics such as Pronunciation Vs. Accent, The Myth of “Speak Like a Native”, English VS Indonesian: Pronunciation Challenge, and The importance of Learning Pronunciation. Moreover, the materials were clearly understandable and make the participants of the talk enjoyable.

As a result, participants felt enthusiastic about the presented materials and started to have asking questions in the QnA session. Lastly, the event was officially closed by the Moderator.
(RT, ID, JS).