IAIN Manado — The English Education Study Program of IAIN Manado received a visit from the English Education Department of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo on Friday (28/05/2021). This visitation was in the context of gathering and signing the Memorandum of Understanding together.
In the frame, there was not only a head of TBI FITK IAIN Gorontalo, but also heads of other study programs who did a visit together, such as MPI and PGMI. While doing a kind of “silahturahmi”, TBI inserted a talk to sign the memorandum of understanding. In signing the MoU, TBI IAIN Manado was delegated by the Secretary, Fadhlan Saini, M. Pd.,who represented the head of the study program, Nur Halimah, M. Hum. Meanwhile, from TBI IAIN Gorontalo, was signed directly by the Head of their Department, La Aba, M. Pd., M. H.
On this occasion, these two departments discussed a plan for Merdeka-Belajar Curriculum implementation and English student exchange. For further, these two departments will also collaborate in the events of webinars and in journaling.
At the end of talking, both majors of every institution, hoped that the planning will run intensively in the future. (FS)