IAIN-Manado, Wednesday, 31/03/2021, Nofikasari Gobel as the Head of Students’ Association of English Education Study Program of Manado State Islamic Institute, was invited by Literacy Forum of Arabic Education Study Program of Sultan Amai Gorontalo State Islamic Institute to review a book named Meniti Cahaya Kisah 8 Muslimah Penjuru Bumi Allah by Irene Dyah et al.

The event was started with an opening by Elsa Madaris as the moderator and then followed by Nofikasari with her review of the following book.

In her discussion, Nofikasari discussed the experiences of the eight Muslimahs who have lived in Spain, Japan, Thailand, Korea, America, France, Australia, and Kuwait. Nofikasari elaborated that the Muslims had their own challenges in defending their faith. For example, the difficulties of finding a place for praying, halal food, and adapting to Muslim culture that has acculturated with the local culture.

At the end of the review, Nofikasari closed her discussion with a quotation from one of the authors of the book. (FS)

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