IAIN Manado- The English Education Study Program visited the English Education Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar on Friday (19/03/2021). They carried out the Memorandum of Understanding together. The activities were accomplished by the heads of each study program/department. In a frame, it can be seen also that several lecturers of the English Education Study Program contributed to taking time with Nur Halimah,M. Hum as the head of EE Study Program.

Before having a further appointment, Nur Halimah.,M. Hum and their team talked about a plan for further collaboration. It was in the form of feedback from both study programs schematizing. Of this planning, they obviously welcomed that this would be a good chance for both to elaborate the development of resources.

At this moment, Nur Halimah,M.Hum revealed that TBI (English Education Study Program) should continue learning regarding the development to have a better transition. She then expected that this collaboration would give a chance to apply the academic as well as non-academic activities due to pursuing the integrative curriculum of Kampus-Merdeka, Merdeka -Belajar.

Along the process, the action of this following MoU activity was warmly welcomed by PBI-FTIK at UIN Alauddin Makassar. They were pleasant to conduct the next activities. (FS)