The English Language Education Study Program (Tadris Bahasa Inggris) is committed to providing high-quality education that equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the dynamic field of English language teaching. In line with the latest developments in education policy, since 2022, the program has adopted the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka curriculum.

This curriculum, introduced by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, aims to foster a more flexible and student-centered learning environment. It emphasizes the importance of independent learning and encourages students to take an active role in shaping their educational journey. By providing students with opportunities to explore diverse learning pathways and gain real-world experiences, the curriculum aligns with the vision of producing graduates who are not only academically proficient but also adaptable and ready for the demands of the global workforce.

With the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka curriculum, students of the English Language Education Program now have the freedom to choose from a wider range of learning activities, including internships, research projects, community service, and exchange programs. These opportunities allow students to enhance their practical skills, broaden their perspectives, and prepare for a successful career in education, research, or other fields requiring strong communication and language abilities.

Through this innovative curriculum, the program ensures that students are not only well-versed in the theoretical aspects of English language teaching but are also prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly globalized world. As we move forward, the English Language Education Program continues to prioritize the development of well-rounded, skilled educators who will make meaningful contributions to the future of education

Profil Lulusan Prodi TBI FTIK IAIN Manado yang diharapkan/ Expected Graduate Profiles :

  • Profile 1                                    : Pendidik / Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris / Teachers
  • Profile 2                                   : Peneliti / Researcher
  • Profile 3                                   : Instruktur Bahasa Inggris / English Language Instructor
  • Profile 4                                   : Penerjemah / Translator
  • Profile 5                                   : Pemandu Wisata / Tour Guide

Body of Knowledge :

NumbersBahan Kajian /
Study Topics
Kode BK / CodesDeskripsi Bahan Kajian /
Description of Study Topics
1English Skills ESStructure I
Structure II 
Listening and Speaking I
Listening and Speaking II
Reading and Writing I
Reading and Writing II
Public Speaking 
2English Linguistics ELingIntroduction to Linguistics 
English Phonetics and Phonology
English Morphology
Discourse Analysis
Psycholinguistics Applied Linguistics 
3English Literature ELitIntroduction to Literature
Poetry, Short Story, and Drama in Language Learning
Translation and Interpretation
Cross Cultural Understanding 
4English Language Teaching ELTMethod of TEFL
Current Issues on ELT English Curriculum
and Material Development
ELT Management 
ICT – based language materials development Profesi Keguruan 
Micro Teaching
Language Learning Assessment 
Innovation in Language Learning 
English for young Learners 
5Research in Language Studies RILS Research in Language Studies 
Qualitative Research in Language Studies
Quantitative Research in Language Studies SKRIPSI
6English for Specific Purposes ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes 
English for Business
English for Tourism
7Mata Kuliah InstitutMKWUPancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
Studi Islam
Bahasa Arab
Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Indonesia dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Multikulturalisme dan Moderasi Beragama Agama dan Sains
8Mata Kuliah Fakultas MKFPsikologi Pendidikan
Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar 
Pengantar Pendidikan Islam 

Sebaran Mata Kilian MBKM TBI :

Semester 1
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1IAIN-1010Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan3Wajib
2IAIN-1020Studi Islam3Wajib
3IAIN-1030Bahasa Arab2Wajib
4IAIN-1040Bahasa Inggris2Wajib
5IAIN-1050Bahasa Indonesia dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah3Wajib
6IAIN-1060Multikulturalisme dan Moderasi Beragama3Wajib
7IAIN-1070Agama dan Sains2Wajib
8TBI-11010Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar 3Wajib
Total SKS Semester21 
Semester 2
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-12020Structure I 3Wajib
2TBI-12030Listening and Speaking I3Wajib
3TBI-12040Reading and Writing I3Wajib
4TBI-12050Introduction to Linguistics 2Wajib
5TBI-12060Introduction to Literature 2Wajib
6TBI-12070English for Specific Purposes 3Wajib
7TBI-12080Pengantar Pendidikan Islam 3Wajib
8TBI-12090Psikologi Pendidikan 3Wajib
Total SKS Semester22 
Semester 3
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-13100Structure II 3Wajib
2TBI-13110Listening and Speaking II 3Wajib
3TBI-13120Reading and Writing II 3Wajib
4TBI-13130Profesi Keguruan 3Wajib
5TBI-13140English Phonetics and Phonology 3Wajib
6TBI-13150English Morphology 3Wajib
7TBI-13160ICT-based language materials development 3Wajib
Total SKS Semester24 
Semester 4
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah /
SKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-14180English Syntax 3Wajib
2TBI-14190English Semantics and Pragmatics3Wajib
3TBI-14200Computer 3Wajib
4TBI-14210Quantitative Research in Language Studies 2Wajib
5TBI-14220Qualitative Research in Language Studies  2Wajib
6TBI-14230English Curriculum and Material Development 3Wajib
7TBI-14240Method of TEFL 3Wajib
8TBI-14250Research in ELT3Wajib
9TBI-14260Language Learning Assessment 2Wajib 
Total SKS Semester24 
Semester 5
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-15270Innovation in Language Learning2Wajib
2TBI-15280Translation and Interpretation in Practice2Wajib
3TBI-15301English for Young Learner3Pilihan Wajib
4TBI-15311Language Performance (TOEFL)3Pilihan Wajib
5TBI-15321Critical Reading and Literacy3Pilihan Wajib
6TBI-15362Micro Teaching3MBKM
7TBI-15372Discourse Analysis2MBKM
8TBI-15382English for Business and Communication2MBKM
9TBI-15392Cross Cultural Understanding2MBKM
11TBI-15412Public Speaking2MBKM
Total SKS Semester (Maks SKS Kontrak 24 SKS)26 
Semester 6
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-16331Applied Linguistics 3Pilihan Wajib
2TBI-16341English for Tourism3Pilihan Wajib
3TBI-16351Language Teaching Media in Practice3Pilihan Wajib
4TBI-16422ELT management3MBKM
5TBI-16432Second Language Acquisition 2MBKM
6TBI-16442English Vocabulary and Pronunciation Practice2MBKM
7TBI-16452Literary Criticism 2MBKM
8TBI-16462Academic Writing 2MBKM
9TBI-16472Corpus Linguistics3MBKM
10TBI-16482History of English Literature 3MBKM
Total SKS Semester (Maks SKS Kontrak 24 SKS)30 
Semester 7
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan / Information
1TBI-17290Ujian Komprehensif2Wajib
Total SKS Semester2 
Semester 8
NumbersKode MK / CodesMata Kuliah / SubjectsSKS / CreditsKeterangan /
Total SKS Semester 6 
Total SKS yang Ditawarkan Prodi TBI / Total Credits Offered 155 
Total SKS yang Wajib Diambil Prodi TBI / Toral Required Credits146 

Peta Kurikulum MBKM TBI :