IAIN Manado, Wednesday, July 14, 2021. The Students’ Association of English Education Study Program students, Nofikasari Gobel, the leader of the students’ association, with her secretary, Afiyah Fitriani Putri Yusuf, and also her treasurer too, Suciana Dewi Putri Makuta participated in another cordination meeting and the evaluation of the FTIK students’ organization programs by Dr. Feiby Ismail, The Third Vice Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty and ORMAWA FTIK.
In the meeting, besides the evaluation, the students and the vice dean discussed the future events of the students which are started from Students’ Orientation (PBAK) for the new students of IAIN in August, then the Student Leadership Workshop by The Student Executive Council (DEMA) in September, Tarbiyah Festival in October, and lastly, in November, a voluntary activity, village development in North Sulawesi which will be involved by the public relation sector of each FTIK Students’ Association.